ACOMS Review, Volume 1, 2024

President’s Letter: Involvement Equals Excellence

Dear ACOMS Members,

As we focus on the theme of "involvement" in our latest ACOMS Review issue, it's clear that volunteering holds significant importance within our community of oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

In our last edition, Dr. Tina Meisami shared her work in establishing a foundation to support survivors of gender-based violence. In this issue, Dr. Mike Markiewicz recounts his experiences volunteering in Guatemala. Whether locally or abroad, the impact of volunteer work is substantial for both recipients and volunteers alike.

Research consistently highlights the benefits of volunteering, reinforcing its value in our professional lives. Personally, stepping away from the routine of my practice serves as a reminder of the meaningful aspects of our profession. The satisfaction derived from extending care to those in need is profound.

Volunteering abroad presents challenges, too, as Dr. Markiewicz highlights the rigorous selection processes of volunteering organizations and the logistical demands involved. Dr. Melissa Amundson also spoke of this in her article last year about volunteering with Doctors Without Borders. Despite these challenges, the experience broadens our perspectives and enhances our adaptability to different standards of practice. Personally I have experienced this on my visits to Haiti. We had only our chairs to sit on, we had to bring our own instruments, and we at times had to travel more than an hour to different villages. Although it took time out of my practice, the people were so grateful and the experience was very rewarding.

Beyond international missions, mentorship and active involvement in professional associations contribute significantly to our professional growth and community engagement. As we gather for the ACOMS/FACES 36th Annual Winter Meeting, I am grateful for all who have contributed to its success.

In the spirit of involvement, let us continue to support one another and strive for excellence in our field.


Dr. Allen F. Fielding
ACOMS President