Why Focus on the ‘Growing Patient’ at the Annual Conference?
Brad Williams, DMD, MD
ACOMS’ 44th Annual Scientific Conference & Exhibition is happening in Savannah, Georgia, May 4-6, 2025. Conference Chairs Brad Williams, DMD, MD, and Kelly Kennedy, DDS, MS, FACS, developed the theme "the growing patient." In this Q&A, Dr. Williams answers a few questions about this approach and the conference.
ACOMS: Why was the theme “the growing patient” chosen for this year’s Annual Conference? Is this a particular specialty or passion of anyone on the committee or board?
Brad Williams, DMD, MD (BW): I believe the focus of this meeting on the young or growing patient reflects the type of patient most oral surgeons see in their practice. Whether we are addressing impacted teeth, removing primary teeth, or addressing congenital anomalies or trauma, a large number of the patients we care for are in the 0-18 years age group. Specifically, how we practice anesthesia safely and effectively in this age group is under increasing scrutiny around the country, and continuing to maintain high-quality education in this area should be a focus of any provider.
ACOMS: How is learning about this subject valuable to any OMS professional, even if they do not specialize in this area?
BW: I find that there is a lot of misinformation in the dental community regarding diagnosis of sleep and speech disorders in young people. While there are many different dental, orthodontic, and oral surgical interventions promoted to treat these conditions, there is little quality scientific evidence to support them. Therefore, I look forward to Dr. Burke reviewing the scientific evidence behind frenectomy in children and young adults to provide more clarity on its role in our patient care.
ACOMS: What other session topics stick out to you that you are particularly looking forward to?
BW: The schedule and size of the ACOMS Annual Conference is one of the best things about it. We are able to bring presenters and members of the industry together as attendees throughout the entire conference in a casual and comfortable format. It is easy to approach anyone at these meetings.
ACOMS: What is typically the highlight for you at these conferences?
BW: The highlight, for me, is coming together with similar, like-minded surgeons who have similar scopes of practice and face some of the same challenges I do in my practice. I love learning from others, whether during a lecture or over coffee between sessions with another attendee.
ACOMS: Can you share one reason an OMS professional on the fence should decide to attend?
BW: ACOMS meetings are a calm, casual environment for high-quality learning in desirable locations. I don't think anyone would regret attending this program or taking the opportunity to explore what Savannah has to offer.